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3 Ways To Set Goals Like a Pro!

Today’s episode is all about goal setting. We are nearing the end of the first quarter so let’s check-in. Remember those goals you set at the beginning of the year? How are they coming along? Be honest with yourself here. Have they been pushed aside? Are you focusing on one while others are being left behind? 

Like many entrepreneurs, I’m big into goal setting at the beginning of the year, but it’s so crucial to continue to check-in with yourself, continue to set new goals, and just re-evaluate where you are throughout the year! I like to check-in monthly, but my quarterly check-ins are much more in-depth and include a lot of planning. Here are 3 ways to sett goals like a pro!

1. Know the difference between a goal and a habit.

A habit is doing that 1% of building every day, bettering yourself in specific areas of your life or biz day by day. For example, going to the gym for days in a row means that 1% each day is  building up and turning into something so much more.

A goal is more like a dream, something usually bigger or further away in the future. It’s something to strive for, and if the hustle is there, it can be done. But where people tend to get stuck is when they do not see immediate results. It becomes easy to quit. You need to create habits to sometimes help yourself accomplish a goal. I highly recommend the book Atomic Habits by James Clear for more in-depth information on this topic!

2. How I goal set.

First, I do something called a brain dump. Get a notebook or open a google doc- and just dump out anything that is on your mind. Those things you cannot stop thinking about: goals, passions, big dreams. Write it ALL down.

Now think about what you want your life to look like one year, five years, or 10 years down the line. Do all of these goals line up with that overall vision? This is an important step to ensure you do not waste time starting and never following through with things.

Take one goal at a time. Write it really big on the top of a page and then write down EVERY SINGLE step you would have to take to accomplish that goal. I don’t just mean the big things – I want every. single. step. 

Underneath that entire list, make a “finished” column so when you complete each step you can track your growth and accomplishments. This will help you when you get discouraged along the journey, so you can see where you started and where you are now. It will also be great to look back on when you completely achieve that goal! It’s so easy for us to completely ignore the hard work that went into something once it’s done. It’s important to reflect and be PROUD.

3. Create an accountability group to help you with your goals.

Surrounding yourself with like minded people is super important – they understand where you are and where you want to go, and they can encourage you in the right way that will actually help you. Find one to three people who will keep you accountable- they can be someone you see regularly, or someone you only know through social media. I highly recommend joining Facebook groups that challenge you – you need to find a place to get real, honest, unbiased feedback and constructive criticism. Luckily, this podcast already has a place ready for you! If you want to be part of an amazing community of other creative and powerful women trying to grow in biz and/or life head on over to Facebook and join You In Bloom Podcast Community!

Now, with social media inevitably comes a tendency to compare yourself with others, but comparison and self-doubt will get you nowhere. Everyone puts work into their own goals and their own process, and their journey will always be different from yours. You have no idea how long they may have worked on something, or what they are going through. They probably have their own comparison or self doubt problems. But remember that everyone’s timeline is different, everyone’s path is different, and everyone’s knowledge is different. And it’s important you view all of this as a GOOD thing. The differences are what set you apart from the rest so utilize all that they can bring to the table for your own goals, and offer the knowledge and lessons you’ve learned to them in return.


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5 Ways To Level up your instagram right now

It's no secret that Instagram can often frustrate us as business owners. With an ever changing algorithm and feeling pressure to hop on every new trend it can get overwhelming. Here are 5 ways you can simplify it for yourself, but still serve your people!

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